Surprise №1

By Ellie on 07/04/2012 in Textile food, Textile Stories

We make a lot of products that has the form, appearance or are used as cushions and pillows. We also often make cushion-gifts, so you can conclude that at least one of the presents for the shop’s birthday should inevitably be a cushion-like thing. And it will be something like a cushion, but a different one. It will go to someone at random. And it is a giant textile cake-piece cushion. How could you win it? It is easy: you should go to our Facebook page: and write your second part of the sentence, below the corresponding post. The sentence is: “If I win this cushion,_____________________”. One of you at random (we use the Random Number Generator) is going to win this cushion on 17th of April.

Hm, this was the beginning. There will be more surprises that I’m going to show you in the next couple of days.


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