How to Make Face Masks with a Filter Pocket at Home

By Ellie on 23/04/2020 in Do It Yourself @en, Free Patterns & Tutorials

There are a lot of patterns and tutorials for home-made face masks. I also made mine and I wanted to show you how I made them. I tried several different techniques and patterns and finally chose this one, adapting a pattern from several options. One more note, before we start: this is not a professional virus prevention mask. But if all of us wear masks, the percentage of healthy people will be higher because masks prevent spreading of viruses to some extent, especially when worn by infected people. This mask has a pocket for a filter. The filter (made of non-woven fabric) should help with the efficacy as well. The mask should be washed and ironed after wearing it. And the filter removed and thrown away.

I really hope that we won’t need to wear these masks for a long period of time, but we have to survive through this situation. Future posts will be for more cheerful textile items, as usual – I promise. Below you will find the instructions step by step as well as the pattern for making the same face mask at home. You can download the pattern in a .pdf file.

Here is how your mask will look like when it is ready:

Here are the steps for making it.

Necessary materials:

– cotton fabric 50 х 50 cm (20″ x 20″) for each mask. You can use one and the same fabric for the inner and the outer side of the mask

– scissors

– sewing machine or needle and thread (you can always use needle and thread, but you will need more time)

– pins

– elastic band

– some type of cord/wire, metal one or cable cord/wire that is not very stiff and you can cut it and use it for shaping the mask to fit your nose (the better the mask fit, the better it will work). But you should take out the metal part before washing and to put it back after that

– the pattern has an inner pocket for filter. You can use some non-woven textile for filter (for example you can use wet wipes). The filter should be thrown away after you have used the mask for 2 hours before washing it. When it is already clean, you can put a new filter.

– the printed pattern from HERE (the pattern is in actual size. Make sure that you are printing the .pdf in actual size by choosing the setting „actual size” or similar option form the printer dialog box when you print it. There is a test square in the pattern that is either 1 cm x 1 cm or 1″ x 1″ and you can check it after printing the pattern to make sure that you are working in actual size or at least the size that I am working with :-))



In the file are indicated the number of pieces that you will need from each shape.

1. Cut 2 pieces for the outer side, 2 pieces from the inner side, (all pieces can be cut from one and the same fabric) plus 2 pieces fro the filter pocket. Cut one stripe that will hold the cord/wire inside on top of the nose.

2. Attach the pieces for the inner part, using the sewing machine. Attach in the same manner the pieces for the outer side and the pieces for the filter pocket, as shown on the picture below. 3. Make a hem at both sides of the filter pocket.

4. Place the pocket piece onto the ready inner piece. Use pins to fix their place before sewing.


5. Place the piece for the cord/wire, sew it as a pocket on the top inside piece like so:



6. Place the outer side on top of the ready inner part, with the right side facing each other.


7. Sew along the top and bottom sides, like so.


8. Bring out the right side through one of the still not closed sides: left or right. 


9. Make a top stitch outside, on the upper and the bottom side, in order to fix the place of all pieces. This will make it more durable over time. And it will be easier to iron it after washing. After that sew the left and the right sides, make a hem that is wide enough to insert the elastic band in it. It should be as wide as a safety pin.


10. Place the elastic band into the hem using a safety pin, you will need 25 cm of elastic band per side. You might need shorter or longer elastic band pieces for your best comfort. Make a knot that you can hide in the hem if you like to.


And you have a ready mask.


About the Author

EllieView all posts by Ellie


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